Startup Wise Guys Office Hours @ Mosaik

Startup Wise Guys Office Hours @ Mosaik

Budapest, Magyarország

Mosaik and Fiedler Capital offers office hours sessions with Cristobal Alonso from StartupWise Guys. Apply by filling out this form and share the biggest challenges that you are currently facing.

Startup Wise Guys is Europe's leading B2B software accelerator. They build a bridge of innovation connecting startups from around the world to experts from the EU, UK and the US. They offer a 3+1 month, mentor-driven startup program that utilizes corporatepartnerships for successful pilot programs, while emphasizing sales and product development.

An extra month focuses on going to market and fundraising. Their key specialties are embedded in a B2B sales driven curriculum, reflecting the expertise of the Estonian business landscape.

Időpont és Helyszín

Időpont: 2016. július 12., 09:00-11:00

Helyszín: Mosaik

Cím: Pannónia u. 32., Budapest

Belépő: Ingyenes