OXO Labs Workshop: GDPR and Cybersecurity
Budapest, MagyarországCyber security has a major highlight nowadays due to the increased number of cyber-attacks and breaches that companies and organizations must face with. The reliance on computer and information systems is massive so it is crucial to find the appropriate vulnerability management tools to prevent, response for the security breaches which can cause an irreversible damage on information and data owned by the businesses.
- 14:00-14:30 How can a registrant protect his/her domain name? (Dirk Jumpertz, EURid)
- 14:30-15:15 GDPR, what are the challenges? (Dr. Erika Mayer, Mayer és Társai)
- 15:15-16:00 Cybersecurity concerns for cloud-based services (Lajos Antal, Deloitte)
Időpont és Helyszín
Időpont: 2018. március 8., 14:00-16:00
Helyszín: Kaptár Coworking Iroda
Cím: Révay köz 4., Budapest
Belépő: Ingyenes